APSC CCE mains exam postponed; select zone, check dates, admit cards, and more
The Assam Public Service Commission has postponed the APSC CCE mains examination and has now released the schedule and notification for selection of examination zones. Read the article to know the dates, exam centers, and more.

APSC CCE: The Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) has released a notice regarding the APSC Combined Competitive Examination (CCE) mains 2022. The notice informs about the schedule of the APSC CCE mains examinations, exam centers, and the dates of release of admit cards for the mains examination.
Also, the notification for selection for the APSC CCE main examination zone is out now. Read the article to know more about dates and zones of examination. The Roll No, of the candidate, will remain the same for the Combined Competitive (Main) Examination, as that of Combined Competitive (Preliminary) but the mains admit card will contain additional details related to the mains examination. The last date for the Online Applications was till 5th May 2023, 5:00 p.m.
Table of Contents
APSC CCE mains exam dates
The APSC Combined Competitive (Main) Examination, 2022 will be held on the 8th, 9th, and 10th of July 2023 as per the program given below:
Date | Forenoon (09:00 AM to 12:00 P.M.) | Afternoon (01:30 PM to 04:30 P.M.) |
8th July 2023 (Sunday) | Paper I- Essay | Paper-II- General Studies-I |
9th July 2023 (Monday) | Paper-III- General Studies-II | Paper-lV- General Studies-lll |
10th July 2023 (Monday) | Paper-V- General Studies IV | Paper-VI- General Studies-V |
APSC CCE mains exam centre
The Examination will be conducted in the following zones subject to the availability of candidates
- Silchar
- Jorhat
- Nagaon
- Tezpur
- Lakhimpur
- Bongaigaon and
- Guwahati
Selection of APSC CCE main examination zone
The candidates to the said examination are hereby directed to select the Zone from the 7(seven) Zones mentioned above in the link provided on the home page of the Commission’s official website, www.apsc.nic.in to be made effective from 8th May 2023 to 14th May 2023 by logging in with their respective user Id and password. The candidates should further note that:
- Candidates, who fail to select the zone, will be accommodated in the Guwahati zone only.
- If the number of candidates is found to be less in any of the zones as per the opinion of the commission, such candidates will be accommodated in the Guwahati zone.
- The examination zone once selected shall not be changed.
- No request shall be entertained for allotting zone after the last date
APSC CCE admit card release date
The list of candidates along with Roll Nos. and e-Admission Certificates will be uploaded by 15th June 2023 and 17th June 2023 respectively on the Commission’s website www.apsc.nic.in. No e-Admission Certificates shall be sent separately by post.
The candidates may e-mail their queries regarding the list of candidates/e-Admission Certificate to the mail id: [email protected] from 15th June 2023 to 25th June 2023.
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