Assam SLET Syllabus & Exam Pattern: Boost your preparation with complete details about SLET

The comprehensive details of the Assam SLET examination, including the syllabus and examination pattern provided within this article.

Assam SLET: The State Level Eligibility Test Commission, Assam (N.E. Region) conducts State Eligibility Test (SET) every year. However, it is more commonly known as the State Level Eligibility Test (SLET) rather than SET. The primary objective of this examination is to cultivate a cadre of highly qualified candidates, deemed eligible for appointment as Assistant Professors, mirroring the rigorous standards established by the University Grants Commission’s National Eligibility Test (NET). In this article, we have provided all the necessary information regarding the exam pattern and syllabus of the Assam SLET examination.

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Assam SLET: Exam Pattern

SectionPaperMarksNo. of QuestionsDuration
FirstPaper 1100501 hour
SecondPaper 22001002 hour

Syllabus for SLET Exam

Paper 1

Paper 1 of the SLET Exam consists of questions on general subjects which can be broadly categorized into the following sub-topics:

Detailed Syllabus of Paper 1

Paper 2

The Assam SLET Syllabus for Paper 2 is available subject-wise, covering various disciplines. Candidates can check the list of subjects below to find their specific syllabus and prepare accordingly.

BodoLife Science
BengaliLibrary and Information
Chemical scienceManipuri
CommerceMathematical Science
Computer scienceManagement
Environmental SciencePhysical science
Earth AtmosphericSanskrit
Political ScienceSociology

Important Links

Notification of SLET 2025
Official Website of SLET NE Region
Book Recommendation (Paper -1)

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How many papers are there in the Assam SLET exam?

The exam consists of two papers: Paper 1 (General Test), which has 50 questions, and Paper 2 (Subject-Specific Test), which has 100 questions.

What is the marking scheme for the Assam SLET?

Each correct answer in both papers carries +2 marks, with no negative marking.

What is the age limit for the Assam SLET?

There is no age limit for the candidates in the Assam SLET 2025 Examination.

Is SLET compulsory for PhD?

The Assam SLET examination qualifies candidates to apply for Assistant Professor positions in state Universities and Colleges. It also fulfills the basic eligibility criteria for pursuing doctoral studies (PhD) and research-oriented roles within state-level academic institutions.

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