SSC CGL 2020 Tier 2 exam results are out; here is all you should know

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the results for the Tier-II examination for the Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2020 on the 26th of April, 2022. Only those candidates shortlisted from the Tier-II exam of SSC CGL 2020 will be evaluated for the Tier-III examination. The Tier-III exam was a descriptive paper.
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SSC CGL 2020: Exam Dates
The Combined Graduate Level Examination, i.e. SSC CGL 2020 Tier-II exam was conducted by the SSC on the dates: 28.01.2022, 29.01.2022, and 03.02.2022 in the Computer Based Mode and Tier-III (Descriptive Paper) on 06.02.2022 at different centres all over the country. Candidates had been shortlisted category-wise for the Tier-III exam on the basis of their combined performance in Tier-I & Tier-II Examinations.
Candidates who do not qualify for the Tier-II exam, though having a reasonable aggregate performance are not eligible for evaluation of the Tier-III exam. The posts of Assistant Audit Officer (List-1), Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) (List-2), and the posts other than Assistant Audit Officer and Junior Statistical Officer (List-3) require a separately fixed cut-off.
The first and second paper of this exam was held in a single shift on 29.01.2022. The third and fourth papers were held in a single shift on 28.01.2022. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the exam in one of the centres was held on 03.02.2022 for the affected candidates instead of the previously scheduled 29.01.2022. As the number of affected candidates whose exam was postponed to be on 03.02.2022 was less than 0.5% of the total candidates, no normalization was done while preparing the result of Tier-II of the SSC CGL 2020 examination.
Cutoff: SSC CGL 2020
The category-wise cut-off marks for each Paper of Tier-II are as follows: (i) Unreserved: 30% (ii) OBC/ EWS: 25% (iii) Others: 20%. This percentage has been produced as per the provisions of the notice of Examination (Para 15.1). For the category-wise description of the cut-off marks and the number of candidates getting qualified in Tier-II for evaluation of their Tier-III (Descriptive Paper) Examination, one may click the link provided by the SSC.
Complaints received from candidates regarding the Answer Keys of the Tier-II Examination have been carefully examined. The modification to the Answer key has been done by the SSC wherever deemed necessary. Final Answer Keys have been used for evaluation. The final answer keys will be uploaded on the website of the Commission on 05.05.2022 for a period of one month.
SSC CGL 2020: Final Marks
The final marks of all the candidates, who appeared in the SSC CGL 2020 examination will be declared on the Commission’s website on the 5th of May, 2022. Individual marks for a candidate will be available from the 5th to the 26th of May, 2022. For checking their respective results, candidates have to use the Registration Number and the Password used earlier while filling up the application form. Once the dashboard opens, one can click on the Result/ Marks link on the candidate dashboard to view their score in SSC CGL 2020.
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