SSC MTS result 2020 declared; check cutoff, important dates

SSC MTS result: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the result of the SSC MTS 2020 Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff Paper -1 Examination. Now, based on the results of Paper-1 which was the Computer Based Examination held from 05.10.2021 to 02.11.2021 at various centers all over the country, candidates will be called for appearing in Paper-II (Descriptive Paper).
SSC MTS result 2020: State preference option
As per the guidelines mentioned in the official notice of the Examination, candidates are required to give preferences of States/ UTs/ ‘All India’, in the order of priority, in the online application form. According to which candidates will be posted in different Ministries/ Departments/ Offices of the Government of India in various States/ UTs.
Also read: Check more information about SSC MTS Result 2020
The results of all selected candidates have been provided on the official website. To check please click here: List of candidates.
Category-wise and State/ UT wise cut-off details to analyze SSC MTS result, in Paper-I are as follows:
Cut-off details for vacancies in the age group of 18-25 years | Download Now |
Cut-off details for vacancies in the age group of 18-27 years | Download Now |
Also, in cases where more than one candidate secured equal aggregate marks, the tie has been resolved by applying the following methods one after another in the given order till the tie is resolved:
i. Date of birth i.e. the candidate older in age gets preference.
ii. Alphabetical order of the names.
SSC MTS 2020 Marks & Paper-II Schedule
Marks of the qualified/non-qualified candidates will be made available on the website of the Commission on 14.03.2022. This facility will be available from 14.03.2022 to 13.04.2022. Candidates may check their individual marks by using their Registration No. and registered password and clicking on the Result/ Marks tab on the candidate dashboard. The schedule of Paper-II (Descriptive Paper) of MTS (NT) Examination 2020 will be available on the website of the Commission in due course.
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