CUET UG 2022 results declared! Follow these simple steps to get your scorecards
CUET UG 2022 results have been declared on the official website. Candidates can now download the scorecards using their application number and date of birth.

CUET UG 2022 results: National Testing Agency (NTA) has finally declared the results of the Common University Entrance Test for admission into Undergraduate courses. The students, who appeared in CUET-UG 2022 can now check their results and download their scorecards from the official website. These results will be considered for selection in different central universities all across the countries.
The CUET UG 2022 is a new format of the entrance examination to get entry into various central universities of the country. The admissions to Banaras Hindu University, Delhi University, Tezpur University, etc. will be solely based on the marks obtained in CUET UG 2022 Results. The examinations began on 15th of July and ended on the 31st of August, 2022.
Also Read: CSIR NET 2022 admit card released on the official website, Click here to download
Table of Contents
Steps to check CUET UG 2022 Results
- Visit the official website of the CUET-UG 2022
- Click on the login button and enter your application number and Date of Birth
- Next, click on ‘Download Results Card’ button and get the scorecard
How will NTA prepare the results of CUET UG 2022?
Recently, Mamidala Jagadish Kumar, the Chairman of UGC has stated about the various aspects of the marking scheme and admission procedure. Since a student has given examinations in different subject combinations, normal percentiles will not be used in the preparation of CUET UG 2022 Results. He said, “A method that is called the ‘equipercentile method’ has been used. In this method, normalized marks of each candidate are calculated using the percentiles of each group of students in a given session across multiple days for the same subject.”
“In the equipercentile method, we use the same scale for all candidates independent of which session they have appeared in a given subject making their performance comparable across sessions. These normalized marks of the candidates in different sessions in a given subject can be used in the same way we use the raw marks of a conventional single-session examination.”
“Therefore, in a particular university, if the raw marks of the skill component have a certain weightage (e.g. 25%), they can be added to the remaining weightage (e.g. 75%) of the normalized marks to prepare the rank list. What is important to note here is that for each subject for which examination is held in multiple shifts, raw marks are converted into normalized marks on a common scale,” he added.
The CUET UG 2022 results of a candidate will have percentiles and normalized marks. And all the participating Universities need to use the normalized marks given in the scorecard for preparing the rank list for admissions. Interested candidates can know more about the normalization of marks & procedures for preparing the results from the following two notifications, released by NTA on the 13th of September.
Important Dates
Starting of Online registrations | 6th April 2022 |
Last date for submission of Application forms | 31st May 2022 |
Release of Admit Cards | 12 July 2022 |
Dates of Examination | 15th July to 31st August 2022 |
Announcement of Results | 16th September 2022 |
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