UPSC CDS Result 2021 declared, know how to check your results now

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced the results of the Combined Defence Services Examination -1 2021 on Wednesday, 30th of March 2022. The CDS result 2021 is now available on the official website of UPSC. Candidates can download their examination results from the website in pdf format, where the shortlisted candidates’ roll numbers are displayed. The results of UPSC CDS-1 were earlier expected to be declared in the month of May 2022.
Table of Contents
How to check CDS Result 2021?
Candidates who have appeared in the UPSC CDS-1 examination 2021 can check their exam performance by just following the simple steps mentioned here.
- First of all, candidates have to visit the official website
- Then click on the “Examination” button.
- From the drop-down menu, candidates have to go for the “Active Examinations” option
- Then click on the “Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2022” link
- Proceed to download the UPSC CDS Result 2021
- Doing that will download a pdf file which will include the roll no. of the selected candidates
- Search whether the document consists of your Roll number or not
- If it exists, you have qualified for the UPSC CDS-1 written exam and are eligible to proceed further for the second round
- Candidates are supposed to download and store the result for future reference
Also read: UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist Preliminary Exam 2022 results out; download merit list
UPSC CDS-1 Scorecards
The CDS scorecard which will be provided by the UPSC will include the name of the concerned academy such as IMA, AFA, INA, OTA along with the roll no. and name of the selected candidates. The scorecard will consist of both the written exam and interview marks obtained by a candidate. Candidates can check their CDS examination marks on the scorecard which will be in pdf format.
After UPSC CDS Result 2021
Candidates who are able to perform well in both the test rounds of the CDS examination are considered eligible for admission into various academies such as the Indian Military Academy (IMA), Indian Naval Academy (INA), Air Force Academy (AFA), and Officers’ Training Academy (OTA). UPSC will soon release more details about the same, a few weeks after the declaration of CDS Result 2021.
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