UPSC NDA NA II Results (2022) are out! Follow these simple steps to check the selected candidate’s list
The results of UPSC NDA NA II Results have been released. Candidates can now check their UPSC NDA NA II Result 2022 on the official website.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) declared the results of the National Defence Academy (NDA) and Naval Academy (NA) Examination 2nd phase (UPSC NDA NA II Results) on the 19th of September 2022. Candidates can now check their written test scores by visiting the official website of the UPSC.
The UPSC NDA NA II written examination was conducted on the 4th of September, 2022. Candidates who qualified for the test, their roll numbers are displayed in the list. UPSC NDA NA II results have given an opportunity for the candidates to apply for further 400 vacant positions.
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How to check the UPSC NDA NA II results?
UPSC NDA NA (II) results can be checked by following these simple steps:
- Firstly, visit the official website of UPSC
- Then search for the link that reads Written Result
- Click the link and click another link (Examination Written Results)
- Then click the link written results of the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination II, 2022, and click the given link
- By doing this, the website will redirect one to a new page where a pdf of UPSC NDA NA II results will be downloaded
- Save and take a printout of the file for any further reference
- UPSC NDA II mark sheets shall be uploaded on the official portal within the next 15 days of the results declaration date. The same will be made accessible for candidates for a period of 30 days.
- Candidates will need to register themselves online within the provided period of two weeks from the declaration of UPSC NDA NA II Results (2022) on the official website of the Indian Army Recruiting portal.
- The successful candidates would then be allotted Selection Centres and dates, of SSB interview which shall be communicated on registered e-mail ID.
- Candidates whose roll numbers have been displayed UPSC NDA NA II Results are also requested to submit original certificates of Age and Educational Qualification to respective Service Selection Boards (SSBs) during the SSB interview
Earlier, when UPSC NDA NA I was released, it shortlisted a total of 8247 candidates for the second stage of recruitment. These candidates are also eligible to sit for the Service Selection Board (SSB) interview conducted by the Ministry of Defense for admission into the Army, Navy, and Air Force Wings of the National Defense Academy for the 149th course. These candidates are also equally eligible to apply for admission into the 111th Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC) for the session starting on 2nd January 2023.
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