Vedic maths to be as main subject; will be introduced in Gujarat schools from 2023

Vedic mathematics is gaining much attention under New Education Policy. It will be introduced in the next year.
The capsule of speed Mathematics, the Vedic Maths is gaining new recognition under the school curriculum of Gujarat. The Gujarat government has decided to introduce Vedic maths in Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Board (GSHSEB). Vedic mathematics, claimed to be an easier and faster way of solving arithmetic problems, would be introduced in schools in Gujarat from the next academic year, the state government has said.
The states’ Education Minister, Jitu Vaghani announced on the birth anniversary of late Srinivas Ramanujan. He tweeted, “Great Indian mathematician Ramanujan’s birthday is celebrated in India as National Mathematics Day. On this occasion, the state government has decided to introduce Vedic math in schools in a phase-wise manner,”
Many hailed this decision whereas many educationalists gave different views on the introduction of the subject. Former president of the Gujarat Secondary School Teachers Federation Pankaj Patel said, “I welcome this decision. Vedic maths is a part of our ancient knowledge that will help students in improving their ability to solve math problems in less time. “Even foreign countries have been teaching Vedic maths to their students,” he claimed. Proponents of Vedic math claim that it cuts the time needed to solve problems by reducing the steps involved. It also allows multiple approaches to get the answer, it is claimed.
Whereas Bhaskar Patel, a former member of the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, said it should be an optional subject. He further said, “But Vedic math cannot replace modern math. It will remain supplementary. Vedic math can be introduced as an optional subject. It will not prove beneficial if you make it compulsory. I do not know of a single state which has introduced this subject in the regular curriculum”.