NEET success stories of 2022: The perseverance of two young minds and their longing dreams of JNV
Under the NEET success stories of 2022, there are a lot of motivational stories to follow. A tale of two JNV aspirants who did hard work to achieve their goals.

NEET success stories of 2022 bring the story of two JNV aspirants, who had simple goals but a burning desire to clear them. It all began in 2013 when students were writing their aim in life on the classroom poster. A ritual, to maintain the sanctity of the classroom decoration ethics, each and every student of the class wrote the goal of their life in a perfect manner. “I want to become a Cardiologist!” a student named Hridoy Adhikari was answering the teacher when asked what kind of Doctor he wants to become. He had written his aim to become a Doctor.
On the same Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) campus, there was another student who was motivated to play hockey but was also building new ideas for his career under the influence of his brother. His name is Suresh Kumar Singh. His elder brother had cleared the prestigious All India Pre-Medical Test (AIPMT) and was selected for Assam Medical College (AMC), Dibrugarh. Both the young minds, whose dreams were aligned but were completely unaware of many barriers which were to come in the upcoming future.
“This routine is ensuring my preparation..” Digboloy always focused on ticking all the boxes based on his daily routine. Each and every day during the first year of his preparation, he gave 8-9 hours a day. The preparation strategy for the subjects of Chemistry and Physics was challenging for both of them because they had to clear finer concepts and work on the numerical problems.
Also Read: Mamata Banerjee, Amit Shah qualifies West Bengal TET exam
Table of Contents
NEET Success Stories of 2022: A story of 600 started from a hockey match
Suresh Kumar Singh scored 607 in his fourth attempt. A bright kid, often interested to play hockey, likes to take challenges in his life. But this challenge was different. Suresh went to Bihar where his relatives stayed and had his ancestral roots there. Both of them completely wanted to avoid any kind of major social interactions and completely focus on their studies to achieve their goal. In 2018 itself, when most of the students could not cross 150 NEET scores, he was able to score 257.
While playing hockey he got the news of his brother getting selected for AMC Medical College. He was elated. His dreams somehow got fixed in another dimension inside the brain which became his dream after clearing the class 12th examination.
The story of his NEET journey is sweet where his family became his pillars. He scored 435 on his first attempt after taking coaching in Patna. Though not selected, he never considered himself in another profession but wanted to be a part of the journey which his elder brother had taken. “These examinations become an irreplaceable toxic” He could not think of stopping himself to not to give the NEET examinations.
Suresh attempted this in 2020 and 2021 as well. In both times, he scored 495 and 494 respectively. “I was distracted and dwelling on my horrible past again and again. I am too much concerned about my family. Though my father never said to me about money-related issues, my family’s financial condition was not stable. I was too concerned in this aspect.” He says each and every year the same mistakes were repeated and these issues really affected him deeply.
This is my last attempt
“The thing which helps me to score 600 plus is the mindset that this is my last attempt and I will never attempt any exam.” The reluctance of not clear NEET examinations was making him more worried as he never wanted to be a burden to his family. Many friends of his age had completed graduation but his decision to solely focus on the NEET examination was a risk after all.
As more frustration grew, he said, “I will discontinue my studies and I will do something else than giving my time and energy towards studies.” He gives credit to Offline test centers. The environment at the home may be relaxing but the feeling of competition only comes when test series in different institutions. “Offline center for test series plays a crucial role in scoring 607. Along with this multiple revision, and test analysis was done very accurately.” Self-assessment and changing the approach are very necessary to maintain when nothing goes according to your way.
As he was entirely sure of not repeating examinations after this final year, he was not worrying about anything. “This year I stopped worrying about anything and the thing I knew was that I have to study, eat, and sleep and repeat this, study eat and maintain the regular sleep cycle. It is not just about moral boost but choosing the right food to keep your mental space in an accurate manner. “Food habits also played an important role in my preparations. Eating healthy food and avoiding junk food kept me active and help me to focus on my study.”
Simple steps in each subject will make you undefeatable
Suresh has maintained a certain strategy to clear concepts for each and every subject. “For biology, you must revise till the topic will be circulated in your brain and permanently fixed. It may take 6 to 10 times to revise, but it is a must. It also varies from person to person, but you cannot skip any specific sentence of the NCERT.”
The revision is so necessary because you cannot succeed only by clearing the concepts but also by fixing these concepts deep-rooted within the brain. “Frame your own questions while reading any topic, paragraph, or sentence of the NCERT. In this way, you will gain confidence to face any kind of question or twisted question.”
“For Physics I had adopted classroom notes. I had practiced all the previous years’ questions multiple times. I followed only one standard material which consists of at least 100 questions plus test series.” The students often skip the NCERTs of Physics. But he later adds,” NCERT exercise question is very necessary.”
“Chemistry is all about the NCERT textbook. Each in-text question and exercise question will help students to attempt all problems regarding the Organic, Inorganic, and Physical Chemistry sections.” He lays down the simple formula.
“My tenacity is my strength” Digboloy recalls his hard days
Hridoy, being the eldest in his family took admissions in the Potential Coaching classes, Tezpur which was near his home, Barchala, Dhekiajuli. During the first year of his preparation, the NEET aspirant had given his best. But he was able to manage 429 marks. If it would have been previous years, he would definitely have been attending medical classes by then.
But it was the boom of cut-off in his home state. As he becomes frustrated, he recalls his mistakes and learnings, “The reasons for not clearing the exams were different each year. In the beginning, there were some loopholes in my preparation techniques. The change in exam pattern, when it was first conducted by NTA in 2019 was somewhat responsible for me not clearing it at that time.”
Again in 2020, hard work continued, but the change in the environment affected the preparations. “The next year i.e. 2020, it was my 2nd drop & I was preparing from home. The change in environment was a little bit challenging & the stress of not clearing the exam after 1 drop affected my studies. The next year also I started preparing late as I took admission to BSc & it took some time to figure out how to invest my time & manage both.” It is not easy to sit idle just for preparations in many households.
Being the eldest, where he has the task to take care of his two brothers and one sister, he wanted to make a parallel track to make his family comfortable with his ultimate decision.
There was something that resisted his hard work to clear the cut-offs. He scored 420 in 2020. The trend of the same average scores in his final results continued. This year it was negligence. How frustration had poisoned his brain with these small but impactful mistakes, he was ready to give up his dreams. There was no improvement as again in 2021 he scored 425. “The next year, my preparation was good but I didn’t give any mock tests. That year, NTA introduced the optional questions (should answer 15 questions out of 20 in section B). It took a lot of time during the exam & my lack of solving such a paper beforehand made me panic during the exam.”
Dreams in a burying pit but with still a chance to think about!
He had lost connections with all his friends. As he mentions, he was speaking about the scope after graduation as he had completed a year in graduation and wanted to pursue a civil services examination. As he mentions how supportive his parents were but he wanted to contribute to reducing the economic burden in any way he could. He became a tuition teacher and began to teach class 10th students.
And his dreams went to the burying pit, but he still saw the light for new strategies. “My tenacity is my strength”. The boy who wanted to cure the heart of others, made his heart beat again for his dreams. He started again and gave his everything with no stones unturned. And finally this year, he scores 549. “College studies affected me in the starting, but once I was able to prioritize, it didn’t affect me much. Plus, I took honors in Zoology for my graduation. Zoology’s syllabus resembles the biology of NEET and I could easily study for NEET more without having to study extra for Bsc.”
And finally, on the the15th of November, he cheers to be the part of Tezpur Medical Freshers batch. Tears rolled in his father’s eyes. He had carried his dreams alongside making his family comfortable. He may grow old by a few years but his dreams made him younger once again.
Freshers must have burning dreams to clear on one go
Hridoy gives a few tips for those who will give their first NEET examination, “For the freshers, I would say, you need dedication and the burn inside you of becoming a doctor. It will motivate you to compete, as competition is very fierce these days. You have to rely on NCERTs (Biology & Chemistry must). In Biology, each & every line of the text is a potential question. For physics, you can watch videos on YouTube from a good tutor, whoever suits you, and practice lots of MCQs from any one study material (only one & keep repeating if you finish it).
Don’t go for multiple sources. Solve the Previous Year’s Questions, for a better understanding of the pattern, especially since NTA started conducting NEET (2019 onwards). And Mock tests are a must for everyone. Don’t ever skip.”
The aspirants must not waste their time making new friends and remain with those who are close to them. The like-minded friends will act as boosters during their hardship days. “Few of the school friends really cared about me along with my parents. Their each and every push, and their motivations have just done miracles. You cannot always be focused. No one can! You must have to feel that support. It acts like an antidote to negativity.”
It’s all about perseverance and self-belief
Both of the students, having back the same alma mater, were in the same hostel. They both supported themselves and wanted each other to fulfill their dreams. Being in a middle-class family, despite having so much support from family and friends, to retain that burning desire inside is commendable and highly motivating. As the missile man of India had said,” Dreams transform into thoughts, and thoughts result in action”, these success stories tell us, hard work becomes more disciplined when you set a specific goal and you cross each stage in a stepwise manner. There are many other such stories but many of them leave the desire to become doctors in a state like Assam and opt for other options.
It’s not about the profession which actually matters but its ultimate goal which carries you forward. As a new journey awaits them, the new generation must keep their dreams alive.
‘Dreams never die, we just give up on them!
Note: To protect the privacy of individuals, the names, places, and all other identifying characteristics have been changed; however all incidents described are true, and written based on a one-to-one conversation with them
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