UPSC CSE admit cards released for Preliminary Examination 2022, download now
The admit cards for preliminary examinations of UPSC CSE 2022 are out now, candidates can visit the official website to download them.

The Union Public Service Commission has released the e-Admit Cards for the Civil Services Preliminary examination 2022. Candidates who are going to appear for the UPSC CSE Prelims exam can now download their respective hall tickets from the official website of UPSC.
Table of Contents
How to download e-Admit Cards?
Candidates can simply follow the steps provided below to download their e-Admit Cards for the UPSC CSE Prelims examination 2022:
- Firstly go to the official website of UPSC
- There search for the latest UPSC CSE Prelims e-Admit Cards link and click on it
- After this, will be opened on the screen
- Read the complete instructions given carefully and then click on the ‘Yes’ button to the question ‘Have You Read & Taken the Print Out of ‘Important Instructions?’
- Fill up the required details, that is the UPSC Civil Services roll number, registration ID, Date of Birth, etc. to download the admit card
- After this step, download your respective e-Admit Card and take a printout copy of both the instructions page and the e-admit card to bring them to the exam hall
UPSC CSE Prelims 2022 exam date
The UPSC CSE Preliminary examination for the year 2022 is scheduled to be conducted on the 5th of June, 2022. The admit cards are available for the examination appearing candidates in e-admit card format. Candidates can easily access their hall tickets by visiting the official website of UPSC.
Exam day essentials
The candidates who are willing to sit in the UPSC CSE Preliminary examination must download the admit cards and bring them along with them to the examination hall. It is a critical step to be taken by a candidate. And disobedience of the candidate can lead to disqualification from the UPSC CSE Prelims examination.
Candidates are also asked to carry a Black Ball Point Pen with them to the examination hall. If a candidate uses any other coloured Ball Pen other than Black to write the answers, then that particular answer or answers will not be considered for evaluation.
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