NEP 2020 implementation; PM chairs a meeting to review
PM Modi reviews the NEP 2020 implementation with senior officials. He suggested and reviewed different issues of NEP.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi chairs a high-level meeting this Saturday in New Delhi, to review the progress of the NEP 2020 implementation. The PM stated that the policy was undertaken in order to ensure equity, access, inclusivity, and quality. The meeting was attended by Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, Ministers of State Rajeev Chandrashekhar, Subhash Sarkar, Annapurna Devi, and Rajkumar Ranjan Singh, UGC Chairman, Chairman AICTE, Chairman NCVET, Director NCERT, and other senior officials.
In the meeting, regarding the review of NEP 2020 implementation, he also proposed a model of education comprising both online and offline modes in order to reduce the overexposure of students to technology. He solely advocated the use of ‘Made in India’ toys to develop conceptual skill sets in the minds of children. The Prime Minister also came up with a suggestion to incorporate all the nearby farmers in the laboratories of secondary schools for soil testing.
NEP 2020 implementation: Suggestions and reviews
It was suggested in the meeting that the database stored and maintained by the Anganwadi Centres shall be integrated into the school bases. With the help of innovative and new technology, regular health checkups of the students in schools shall be carried out. It was noted that with the launch of the Academic Bank of Credit on Digilocker Platform along with the Multiple Entry-Exit for flexibility and lifelong learning has provided a platform for the students to study at their convenience and choice.
In order to make the learning process more flexible and to create interdisciplinary thinking in learners, the University Grants Commission (UGC) published guidelines by which students can pursue two academic degrees simultaneously. In order to deal with the Covid-19 loss, schools and universities have adopted multi-model online learning which has helped education to reach remote parts of the country.
It has been clearly stated in the review meeting of NEP 2020 implementation, that efforts are made for multilingualism in education and that lack of English knowledge doesn’t become a hurdle for the educational attainment of any student. Keeping this in mind, the States are publishing bilingual and trilingual textbooks at the base level and content on the DIKSHA platform has been made available in 33 Indian languages so far. Also,19 Engineering Colleges are offering courses in 6 Indian languages across 10 States from the session 2021-22.
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