KVPY 2021 Admit Cards released: check all the important details
All the candidates can download their admit card from the official website.

KVPY 2021 Admit Cards: The admit cards for the Kishore Vigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) have been released on the official website. Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore released a new notification regarding the KVPY 2021 admit cards of the candidates appearing for the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY). The examination is scheduled for May 22, 2022. Earlier the examinations were scheduled for 9 January 2022.
Also read, Know everything about KVPY, its grant, fellowship, etc
The candidates can download the KVPY 2021 admit cards from the official website by providing the necessary login credentials, i.e. their user id and password. The admit contains the venue, timing, and all the necessary information. Primarily, 4 centres (cities) are chosen by the authorities all over the country wherein the candidates can appear for the examination. The candidates shall carry the admit card to the examination center failing which, they will not be able to sit in the examination.
Table of Contents
KVPY 2021 admit cards: How to download
- Step 1: All the candidates shall go to the official website of KVPY, i.e. kvpy.iisc.ernet.in.
- Step 2: Click on the download admit card option.
- Step 3: Enter your user id and password.
- Step 4: The admit card will be displayed on the screen, download and keep a copy of the same for future reference
In case of any mistake in the admit card released, the candidates are to immediately contact IISc Bangalore to seek redressal.
Also read, SERB National Post Doctoral Fellowship (N-PDF) 2022; check details
Clashes with board exams
The board examinations are in full swing now and the schedule of the examination has caused problems for different students. Many students take stress for their examinations and appearing for the two examinations might urge many students to skip the KVPY examinations. Though this year the CUET examinations have ruled out the actual weightage that final marks of class 12 students carry for any further admission process, all students are not susceptible to maintain multiple examinations in one go. There is no chance of rescheduling the examinations as the KVPY 2021 Admit Cards have been released on the official website.
About the KVPY exams
The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) is an ongoing National Program of Fellowship in Basic Sciences, initiated and funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, to attract exceptionally highly motivated students for pursuing basic science courses and research careers in science. The objective of the program is to identify students with talent and aptitude for research; help them realize their academic potential; encourage them to take up research careers in Science, and ensure the growth of the best scientific minds for research and development in the country.
KVPY Mock Test
The authorities have released a series of mock tests on the official website which the candidates can undertake.
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